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Laravel 5.6 – Card Payment Integration With Instamojo Payment Gateway

Today, we are share with you how to integrate card payment in laravel using Instamojo payment API. many time you need to integrate any payment method in your laravel application. you can done payment integration like paypal, stripe, rozorpay etc… and we are also write many tutorial about payment gateway integration in your laravel application. you can check all tutorils from our payment gateway category.

Here we are share one another payment gateway integration in laravel and this is instamojo payment gateway. this payment gateway easy to use in your laravel application and you can also use their many functionality.

Instamojo mainly use in india. if you want integrate card payment in your laravel application then instamojo is best option for you. here we are show you how to integrate instamojo payment gateway in your laravel application start to end. simpaly follow this step.

First things what we need for integration instamojo payment gateway in our laravel or php application. first we are integrate instamojo in test mode then after you can switch our live integration after success done integration test integration.

Now you should create one account for test integration so open this link and create your account Instamojo Test Account. some simplay details you must be fill open test account and aso live account.